Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Eating the good Vibrational Food

Up to about a year ago, I experienced Oesophagus problems caused from constant reflux over the years. Upon reflection I realised I had a problem with the food I was eating and I needed to practice what I have been preaching with friends and clients and so I began reading age old nutritional facts from great healers of many years ago and which has brought me to the realization I was eating food of negative vibrations. The only book that has brought me closer to better eating habits is "How to Achieve Glowing Health and Vitality' by a wonderful Guru Paramhansa Yogananda. I can honestly say no matter how sweet and alluring adverts are, the basic truth is to eat fresh foods, lovingly grown and lovingly prepared before each meal. I had to withdraw from certain meats and feel so much better for it. I so enjoy the timetable given in this book which advises a cereal before 9 is fine or a heavier breakfast with protein between 9 and 12 noon. The rest of the day is liquids and fruits and dinner at 7 in the evening. Following dinner, no liquids for atleast three hours. This is where I have learnt to honour my stomach and let it process the food I have eaten, without intereference because looking back I have abused my digestive system to the point of the constant reflux. Staying on medication has not been the answer for me and so giving all respect to my stomach and digestive system as it works hard to nourish me, but as an alternative natural remedy I have found Aloe Comfort surprisingly calming during those times I test my taste buds.

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