Saturday, March 30, 2013

To coconut or not

The positive benefits of coconut oil are tremendous. Recently watched a conversation wherein Scientific facts were touted about the fatty content. We all know to first check with our health practitioner first before taking any products and to take everything in moderation! Coconut Research Center

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lamb, Chicken, Beef, Pork

Eating a lot of meat clogs the digestive process that is why a day of fruit and vegetables atleast once a week is good practice. As mentioned by many of the sages of old, give the tummy a rest often as it works so hard in digesting the many cravings each day.
A craving is a habit and working on changing habits can become easier by following the colour guide of fruit and vegetables. What colours would you put on your plate at each meal, additives not included.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Juicing continued

After all the negative news on meat I see this as a sign to forego meat and enjoy the natural goodness of fruit, vegetables and nuts. I so enjoy Yogananda's spiritual view of healthy eating which stands strong during these times of unsurety in certain foods which is surely a sign to let it go for a while. Although there are many books on the subject, creating your own mixes according to one's own taste is satisfying. Feel free to share recipes and health stories on this blog.