Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Relaxation Reflexology for children

Relaxation techniques on the hands for children are the best including the Metamorphic Technique lastly for a few seconds. There have been amazing changes in these children over the past year and even their matrons and principle have noticed many of them have become much calmer in themselves. The wonderful part is that they have shown their interest in learning reflexology for themselves which is encouraging and shows they do want to help themselves to heal bearing in mind all are disabled.
Reflexology is non invasive and gentle for all who have sessions. One will always walk away feeling more balanced and relaxed enabling the body to start its own healing within.


  1. All the best with the new blog. I hope that fellow reflexologists will share their experiences and make this blog a success for you.

  2. Thanks Scratch... As I sit here now I am working my reflexes for my neck to relieve the pain and I can feel the reflexes through my chest to my neck area..the relief is wonderful and certainly gets to the core of the pain..


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