Friday, March 13, 2009

Snake bite and Reflexology

Two years ago my daughter was bitten by a cobra on the medial side of left foot. She received anti venom and stayed in Intensive Care for one night. Then started her healing process. There was not much more the doctor or hospital could do as it was now up to her immune system to fight any tissue damage or infection, especially in the linings of lungs, stomach and digestive area. After talking to my then lecturer Molly Jeffreys as to what we could do from a reflexology perspective she advised to gently and lightly stroke the feet to encourage constant flow of lymph through the reflexes and ensuring the nerve impulses in the spine remained active. I then asked further if there was anything more we could do with regard to the very darkened bruised flesh on the foot and ankle, around the bite area. Molly again advised me to take an unpolished 'lapis lazuli' and tape it over the bite marks for 3 days, which I did. The results from all of the above were amazing to watch. After the first day of taping the 'lapis lazuli', the flesh in that immediate area of medial side of foot started to turn pink which was a clear indication of blood flowing through the tissue.
When I removed the 'lapis lazuli' on the 3rd day a third part of the foot had turned pink and the side of the lapis which was taped to the bite had turned black. We still have that 'lapis lazuli' and we believe to this day that it was that stone that saved my daughter from developing 'dead tissue' from the venom. Although ten days after the bite my daughter had to be re-admitted to hospital because of a low white blood cell count, she has since made a full recovery. Because of the hard 'knock' on her immune system from that venemous bite, she does have to maintain a healthy diet and uses Patrick Holford's Connect vitamins, Flaxseed Oil, Calmag (Golden). My daughter is now 24 and lives and works permanently in the bush, snakes and all.

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